2024 Offerings – Australia & NZ
Annual Sacrifice
To the Bulletin Secretary:
Your assistance with publicizing this year’s Annual Sacrifice Offering for Global Mission is truly appreciated. This year the special collection takes place on September 7. Please insert the following announcements in your church bulletin for two Sabbaths, including September 7 itself.
Please use the following announcement in your Church Bulletin on August 31
COMING SOON—Annual Sacrifice Offering— September 7: Whether it’s having dessert or eating meals out for the next week, what could you sacrifice for Global Mission? The money you save this next week can be used to support Global Mission pioneers and Urban Centres of Influence to start new groups of believers among unreached people groups. Thank you for giving sacrificially for mission next Sabbath, September 7.
Please use the following announcement in your Church Bulletin on September 7
Today’s offering is the Annual Sacrifice Offering for Global Mission: The funds collected will be used to support Global Mission pioneers and Urban Centres of Influence to start new groups of believers among unreached people groups. Please give in the church offering or via eGiving. Thank you for supporting Global Mission.
ADRA Community Projects
Unusual Opportunities
Mission To The Cities
13th Sabbath Offerings Impact Video
Ever wondered where your 13th Sabbath Offering goes?
This video gives a glimpse of the work that has been accomplished from 1912 onwards and all because of your generosity.
Thank you for being a missionary too!